Maximum reliability and high performance, even in extreme conditions, this is hallmark of WEIBANG machine. Regular maintenance and care, combined with attentive customer service, play a vital role in guaranteeing the machines' operational efficiency and reliability well into the future.
WEIBANG dealers are happy to provide you with advice on selecting the right product to meet your needs, and they also give you useful tips on using the machine correctly and offer you professional service. This gives you the assurance that your WEIBANG machine will be a pleasure to use for many years.
Every WEIBANG product is backed by a comprehensive guarantee, the period of which varies according to model. If your machine requires servicing or repair under warranty, contact your WEIBANG authorized dealer. The WEIBANG service organization has original WEIBANG parts in stock for you. Always use original spare parts with the logo "WEIBANG" to ensure maximum performance, reliability and service life from your WEIBANG machine.
It is very important to study the entire owner's manual prior to initial operation and to take sufficient care when using a WEIBANG product, while alwaysadhering to the safety instructions. If used incorrectly, all products can be a source of potential danger to the user, onlookers, animals, or nearby objects.Non-com- pliance could result in death or serious injury.